Most people’s idea of physical therapy involves healing from an illness or injury. While recovery and rehabilitation are both huge parts of the job for physical therapist assistants, so is proactively helping people maintain good health—especially for the aging population.
随着人们变老, 它们自然会失去力量, 流动性, 骨密度, 是什么让他们更容易跌倒, 受伤, 以及其他各种健康问题. 通过指导他们进行有组织的锻炼和日常活动, 物理治疗师助理可以帮助老年人保持独立性,并在晚年享受充实的生活.
人们的寿命更长了, 比以往更健康的生活, which means the world’s population of older adults is projected to grow significantly in the coming years. 根据 世界卫生组织, 到2030年和2050年,六分之一的人口将达到或超过60岁, 60岁以上的人口预计将翻一番,达到20多亿.
Although advances in treatments and technologies have increased both life expectancy and quality of life, 随着年龄的增长,老年人仍然需要更多的医疗护理. 有这么多的人即将步入老年, 预计未来几年对bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全服务的需求将急剧上升.
随着人们年龄的增长, 他们通常会遇到关节炎等健康问题, 骨质疏松症, 心脏病, 糖尿病, 中风, 也增加了跌倒或其他身体伤害的风险. 体育锻炼是治疗许多与年龄有关的健康问题的关键组成部分,有时甚至可以完全预防这些问题. 物理治疗通常是健康衰老的关键组成部分,因为它鼓励那些倾向于久坐不动的老年人经常活动.
在训练期间, 物理治疗师助理接受全面的教育,教他们通过运动的力量帮助所有年龄段的人变得更健康. pta研究药理学, 解剖学, 应用运动学, and learn about a broad range of treatments and therapeutic procedures for many different conditions, 包括那些影响老年人的疾病.
Physical therapist assistants work under the direction of a licensed physical therapist, and collaborate closely with them to assess older patients and implement an appropriate treatment plan. 虽然在诊断病情和制定护理计划方面,PTA的实践范围是有限的, 他们是许多PT诊所的重要贡献者. Physical therapist assistants often spend more time with patients than their supervising therapist, and their updates and observations can play an important role in refining patients’ treatment plans.
The initial assessment of a physical therapy patient is one of the most critical parts of the process, 因为它为每个人目前的健康状况建立了一个基线,并有助于为每个人设定现实的目标. 许多评估技术是适用的,无论病人的年龄, 尽管老年患者需要一些独特的考虑,以确保治疗是安全的,并适当地满足他们的健康情况.
Some of the most commonly used assessments for geriatric physical therapy patients include:
- 认知与心理状态 – In addition to screening for dementia and measuring a patient’s memory levels, this helps identify depression or other common mental health challenges among older adults.
- 功能的移动 -测量老年病人的平衡, 步态, 他们从坐着或躺着的姿势站起来需要多长时间,这有助于治疗师确定可以在治疗中纠正的问题.
- 日常活动的独立性 -确定老年患者对日常任务(如进食)的熟练程度, 洗澡, 沙拉酱, 或者准备食物有助于设定现实的目标来提高他们的生活质量.
A holistic approach to physical therapy (and healthcare in general) benefits any patient, 尤其是老年患者,他们更有可能经历多种相互影响的健康状况. By thoroughly assessing older patients and understanding their physical and emotional needs, 物理治疗提供者可以提供更有效的治疗,并与患者医疗团队的其他成员合作提供更好的结果.
Every patient’s individual circumstances determine what successful treatment looks like for them, and the early stages of physical therapy involve setting goals and benchmarks for their ongoing progress. The responsibility of developing a treatment plan falls under a physical therapist’s scope of practice, 尽管他们经常依靠物理治疗师助理的帮助进行患者评估,为规定的项目提供信息.
为老年患者设定现实的目标,使物理治疗师能够跟踪他们的治疗计划的效果, 让病人继续接受治疗. 在家锻炼通常是他们继续进步的重要组成部分, 激励老年患者坚持他们的日常活动可以在短期和长期内产生重大影响.
保持身体活动有助于老年人保持他们的活动能力, 独立, 更广泛地说, 他们的尊严. 身体健康与精神和情感健康密切相关, 当人们体验到变老的自然效应时,精心设计的物理治疗程序可以使上述所有人受益.
根据病人的初步评估制定的治疗计划被认为是一个起点,而不是最终的解决方案. 随着治疗的进展, physical therapists and PTAs evaluate a patient’s progress and how well the treatment plan is working. 在整个物理治疗过程中,治疗计划经常根据患者的反应和他们在治疗过程中遇到的任何挑战进行调整.
Modifying treatment plans is the responsibility of a licensed physical therapist, 但物理治疗师助理在这个过程中做出了重要贡献. 通过病人访谈和客观测量相结合, pta收集活动范围的数据, 患者疼痛程度, 还有其他因素. 与他们的指导治疗师合作, 这些数据点可以用来微调病人的治疗计划. 例如, 如果某项运动引起病人不适或焦虑, it’s often possible to substitute a different movement that accomplishes the same goals.
Physical therapist assistants treat a broad range of health issues among aging patients. 在治疗老年人时, pta通常侧重于改善活动能力和平衡的治疗, 或者那些减轻慢性疾病引起的疼痛的药物. Frequently used treatment methods include targeted exercise and activity routines, 手工疗法,比如拉伸, 按摩, 或者联合动员, 还有其他方式,比如冰敷或热敷, 超声波, 或者电刺激.
PTAs who work with older adults also commonly train their patients on the use of assistive devices, which can be anything from standard walkers and wheelchairs to advanced robotic prostheses. 随着医疗技术在未来几年的不断进步, 物理治疗师助理可能会遇到越来越多令人兴奋的新设备,这些设备可以极大地改善老年患者的生活质量.
因为老年人更容易受伤, 与老年人一起工作的物理治疗师助理经常教他们的病人风险管理和伤害预防. 跌倒是老年人受伤的最常见原因之一, 对于与老年患者一起工作的pta来说,指导他们完成专门设计的活动常规是很常见的,这些活动旨在降低潜在有害事件的风险.
物理治疗师助理也教育他们的老年患者关于体育活动的总体重要性和益处. 随着人们变老, 那些保持身体和精神活跃的人通常更能抵抗衰老的自然影响. (The phrase “use it or lose it” certainly applies to our bodies and minds as we age!正因为如此, 老年人的物理治疗通常包括锻炼,以促进全身健康,降低各种与年龄相关的健康问题的风险.
为老年人提供物理治疗有一些独特的挑战和考虑, 无论是职业上还是道德上. 因为老年患者的平衡能力和活动能力可能有限, 实施治疗(或只是在诊所里走动)需要比大多数其他病人通常需要的更多的照顾和关注. And because some older patients may have a reduced capacity to make decisions due to cognitive decline, it’s essential for physical therapy providers to act as advocates for their patients’ overall health.
作为他们教育的一部分, 理疗师助理学习安全知识, 法律, 以及为老年患者提供治疗的伦理考虑. 这包括如何避免年龄歧视行为的培训, 以及如何与老年患者沟通, 他们的照顾者, 以及他们医疗团队的其他成员.
Many physical therapist assistants find working with older patients to be particularly rewarding. They have lots of knowledge and stories to share, and it’s satisfying to help people age gracefully. 许多健康人认为理所当然的事情——比如爬楼梯, 准备饭菜, 或者洗澡——对老年人来说是一项真正的挑战, 专门的物理治疗师助理可以对老年人的日常生活水平产生重大影响.
如果你想做理疗师助理的话, you want to choose a training program that prepares you to work with all types of patient populations, 包括老年人. 的认证 bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全的物理治疗师助理项目 teaches you the therapeutic and communication skills you need to change people’s lives for the better. 你将从经验丰富的物理治疗专家那里学习, and complete supervised clinical work to build your confidence as you begin your new career.
想了解更多关于作为PTA治疗老年患者的知识? 查看bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的深度指南 如何成为一名老年护理物理治疗师助理. Or if you’re curious about other career options for PTAs, you can explore our list of the 顶级理疗师助理工作.